A team of forty doctors and health professionals of The Eating Disorders Service and Research Unit at King’s College London wrote an open letter to Burberry Handbags
British Fashion Council, demanding a ban on “models who are clearly anorexic”.
The doctors issued the letter after observing a sales boom of size zero clothes in London.
‘There is no doubt that there is cause and effect here. The fashion industry showcases models with extreme body shapes, and this is undoubtedly one of the factors leading to young girls developing eating disorders,’ said Professor Janet Treasure King’s Sunglass OakleyCollege London.
He added that anorexia is not the only issue, but problems like substance abuse, behavioral issues and self harm, which arise because of being underweight.
The letter demands a ban on models deemed too thin by medical guidelines by London’s fashion and publishing industry.
There was abundant silver embroidery, fine gold chains.
Adding to these was a lot of flesh with low scooped backs or slits, and miles of bare legs. youre like most Americans, youll be spending a lot of time this
Cheap Oakley summer sitting at a picnic table, mouth watering, waiting for the food to cook. As hungry as you may be, however, its impossible to deny that the anticipation of the outdoor meal is as important a part of the picnic ritual as the food itself. Indeed, savoring the aroma of succulent burgers, hot dogs, chicken, or steaks on a grill is almost as delicious as eating them.Another significant part of the tradition is passing the time in conversation with your fellow picnickers, which serves, not only as a bonding experience, but as a way to take your minds off the hunger pangs as well. The more stimulating the subject, the more effectively it distracts from growling stomachs, perhaps because it gives everybody something to (ahem!) chew on. The next time youre sitting around a picnic table with other ravenous revelers, give them a morsel thats more than a mouthful, by telling them that the father of the Youth Jersey automobile, Henry Ford, is also the founder of their feast in a way.You see,