Let’s face it, who doesn’t replica bags want to own a pair of Prada sunnies. Prada has become synonymous with style, elegance and good taste. Never knowingly over the top or excessive, Prada is always on trend and rarely puts a foot wrong.
One of last years hottest celebrity modest bathing suit trends were Prada’s Butterfly shades. At one time or another most of Hollywoods A-list could be seen sporting them. Nicole Ritchie, a big sunglasses fan, spent most of the summer in hers as did Paris Hilton and actress turned singer turned Anglophile Juliette Lewis. This year’s collection is all about smooth curves and wide frames in black and royal purple. The perennially popular aviator also gets an update for 2009 with a double bridged nose and an unusually wide arm. Eva Longoria has already been seen in this 56IS aviator style this year. While we’re yet to predict which style will prove a hit with the fickle fashionistas, you can bet your bottom dollar Prada will be adorning many a celeb face this summer.
Although Prada pre dates The First Sunglass Oakley World War, (it was founded in 1913) it didn’t really enjoy commercial success until Miuccia Prada took over the company reins in 1978 and even then it wasn’t an overnight wonder. Having laid the groundwork throughout the Eighties, Prada finally came into it’s own in the early Nineties with the explosion of celebrity voyeurism, when just about every media darling was seen in Prada’s elegant threads. bathing suit store The ball kept on rolling and in 1998 the company launched their own line of sunglasses, which have proved popular with celebrities and ‘civillians’ alike. For all of us who covet a Prada piece but can’t quite (ok, not even nearly) stretch to over a grand for an item of clothing, their collection of eye wear means we can all own a little of the dream.